

Issue/Volume: 16/03


Women empowerment, better market access to farmers and decent work conditions form three important cornerstones of Solidaridad’s efforts. This month saw several workshops and sessions exploring the nuances and intricacies of these key pillars and how to best ensure their implementation. Additionally, the organisation continued its untiring efforts at supporting farmers across commodities – sugarcane, leather, soy, among others – in manifold ways.

Happy reading!


ICAR scientists analyse agritech innovations at the Smart Agri Hub, Bhopal

ICAR scientists analyse agritech innovations at the Smart Agri Hub, Bhopal

Seventeen scientists from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) took part in an exposure visit to the Smart Agri Hub developed by Solidaridad under the Smart Agri Project in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. This visit was part of a training programme organised by the Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE). At the Smart Agri Hub, they explored a world of digital agriculture, where advanced sensors, precision farming techniques, and data analytics converge to revolutionise farming practices.

Waste-to-fashion gets the spotlight at Asia’s largest leather fashion

Waste-to-fashion gets the spotlight at Asia’s largest leather fashion

This February, Solidaridad participated in Asia’s largest international leather fashion show organised by the Indian Finished Leather Manufacturers and Exporters Association (IFLMEA). During the event, several waste-to-fashion products, developed by women entrepreneurs and craftspeople under the European Union-SWITCH-Asia project, ‘Promoting Circularity in the Tamil Nadu Leather Clusters for Solid Waste Management’, were exhibited both by fashion models and at stalls. The products, including ladies’ bags, tote bags, pen holders, diaries, clutches, garnered the attention of over 750 industry professionals, global brands (such as Clarks, Wolverine, Gabor, Marks & Spencer, among others), technical universities and civil society organisations. The event also shone a spotlight on technological innovations such as eco-particle boards that entrepreneurs such as Sher Banu and enterprises such as Libua Fashions use to make waste-to-fashion products. The event also provided a platform for several sustainability organisations to network and find common ground with each other.

Climate-resilient farming gets a boost in Sangli

Climate-resilient farming gets a boost in Sangli

The Smart Agri Project has helped in the setting up of a farmers’ training-cum-resource centre in Sangli district, Maharashtra, where 7,433 sugarcane farmers have enrolled with the project. The centre, launched recently, primarily facilitates training on regenerative and climate-smart agricultural practices. It also helps farmers understand the functioning of the Smart Agri app, whose weekly weather and crop advisories enable farmers to stay updated on weather conditions and potential pest and disease threats, and plan their agricultural activities accordingly.

Odisha gets two model agricultural villages

Odisha gets two model agricultural villages

Under the umbrella of the Smart Agri project, Purusottampur village in Cuttack and Pindiki village in Gajapati districts of Odisha were recently declared ‘Model Agricultural Village’ by Solidaridad, in February. Both the villages are adopting regenerative and climate-smart agricultural practices, and have witnessed an improvement in soil health and biodiversity. In a step towards reclaiming sustainability, the villagers are now partnering with the programme — including making equal financial contributions — to develop nutrition and herbal gardens, as well as rejuvenate the water bodies, which will help them with irrigation and pisciculture activities. Two low-cost cold storage facilities were also inaugurated in Mahanga and Mohana blocks in Odisha.

Nurturing a connection with nature and indigenous practices for sustainable tea production

Nurturing a connection with nature and indigenous practices for sustainable tea production

A workshop on growing tea and incorporating integrated agricultural practices, through Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) and fostering a deep connection with nature, was held on 22 February 2024, at Tingkhong Sitalpur Village Club, Phillobari, Tinsukia district, Assam. Attended by 25 leading farmers with demo plots, small tea farmers, and representatives of local small tea growers’ associations, the workshop aimed to promote sustainable agricultural practices. A number of Solidaridad experts facilitated practical sessions, sharing valuable insights on ITK and fostering a holistic approach to agriculture.

Spreading awareness on and leveraging the goodness of soy and millets

Spreading awareness on and leveraging the goodness of soy and millets

At Solidaridad’s Agri-Nutrition Resource Centre (ANRC) in Bhopal, a series of ongoing training sessions on ‘Capacity Building of Anganwadi Workers on Health Benefits of Soy & Millets and Soy Processing’ are being conducted under the Good Farming – Good Food – Good Health initiative. The sessions aim to create awareness about the importance of consuming soy and millets in routine meals at the anganwadi centres. During the sessions, nutrition experts are explaining participants the nutritional value of food items made from soy and millets, and advising them on the right proportions for consumption. Additionally, anganwadi workers are being taught ways to process soy and use them in meals.

Maharashtra block agriculture officers gain understanding about smart & regenerative farming

Maharashtra block agriculture officers gain understanding about smart & regenerative farming

At its State Resource and Training Centre in Nagpur, Solidaridad conducted a comprehensive training programme for block agriculture officers across Maharashtra. Programme managers and coordinators introduced the smart and regenerative initiatives under the Smart Agri programme to the officers – explaining its various facets and how these are supporting the farmers. Next, the officers visited demonstration plots and equipment sites to understand good agricultural practices, the operations of smart equipment, and how Smart Agri advisories and IoT-based solutions are helping farmers better plan their farming schedules. While appreciating these interventions, the officers expressed hope of using this knowledge in different parts of the state.

Solidaridad’s sustainable rubber efforts highlighted at international conference

Solidaridad’s sustainable rubber efforts highlighted at international conference

Solidaridad’s efforts at integrating sustainability into the rubber supply chain were highlighted at the International Rubber Conference (IRC) 2024 in Pattaya City, Thailand, from 19-21 February. At the conference, jointly organised by The Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT) and the International Rubber Research & Development Board (IRRDB), Monika Khanna (Country Manager, India) and Sreerag P P (Programme Manager, Rubber) gave a presentation on “Sustainable and Improved Livelihood of Rubber Farmers in Kerala, India". This was followed by a field visit organised for the participants and dignitaries.

At Krishi Vigyan Mela in Bhopal, Bharatkhand Consortium draws visitors

At Krishi Vigyan Mela in Bhopal, Bharatkhand Consortium draws visitors

Together with Solidaridad, the Bharatkhand Consortium of FPOs participated in the recently-held Krishi Vigyan Mela in Bhopal on 16–17 February 2024. Organised by the Madhya Pradesh Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Department, the Krishi Mela aims to create awareness among the farmers and participants about improved farming techniques, in addition to promoting millet-based products. About 80 display stalls were set up by different state-based SHGs and FPO groups during the two-day fair. The Bharatkhand Consortium displayed its diverse range of FPO products including millet products, soy food items, bio-inputs, among others, at a dedicated stall. The stall attracted several representatives from government agencies, financial institutions, and other FPOs, who engaged in discussions regarding the consortium's working model and its impact. In the course of the discussions, the functions of the Bharatkhand Consortium were explained. Information was also shared on how it is supporting FPOs for backward and forward market linkages, and how other FPOs can join the consortium.

Convergence training sessions discuss food security, FPO strengthening and more

Convergence training sessions discuss food security, FPO strengthening and more

Convergence training sessions with government departments are vital to supporting farmers with knowledge, technology and financial aid. Two such sessions were recently conducted in Maharashtra.

One of them, held at Solidaridad’s State Resource and Training Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra, towards the end of January 2024, addressed topics such as the National Food Security Mission, the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) and strengthening of farmer producer organisations (FPOs). Farmers from project areas and members of FPOs curious about government schemes had their queries resolved by agriculture officers. The event was also attended by dignitaries such as the Project Director of Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Nagpur, the District Superintendent of the Department of Agriculture, Nagpur, Technical Officer (Quality Control and Circle Agriculture Officer, Department of Agriculture.

The second session was held in convergence with block agriculture officers of Kalmeshwar block. It focused on organic farming practices, their relevance and benefits in today’s agricultural landscape. Government schemes such as the Panjabrao Deshmukh Naisargik Sheti Yojna were also discussed with the farmers, who appreciated the useful insights they gained from the session.

Solidaridad and Nayara Energy focus on digital technologies and tools

Solidaridad and Nayara Energy focus on digital technologies and tools

During a visit by the Nayara Energy Board, Solidaridad’s team in Jamnagar engaged in a dialogue on the revolutionary potential of digital technology in agriculture, along with Naina Lal Kidwai, an Independent Director of Nayara Energy. Of particular focus and interest in the discussion were equipment such as the Bhu-Parikshak (a soil-testing tool) and automatic weather stations (AWSs), both of which are critical to Solidaridad’s mission of keeping farmers updated through technological and digital interventions.

Farmers in Gujarat get training on setting up of demo plots

Farmers in Gujarat get training on setting up of demo plots

In Jamnagar, Solidaridad’s team strengthened and increased the capacities of farmers in a bid to identify lead farmers for demo plot selection. As an exercise, 20 farmers took part in a series of training sessions to set up demo plots on their farms through demonstration of an already-built demo plot, its preparation, the equipment and knowledge necessary to set up the same. The goal was to empower farmers by helping them adopt regenerative agricultural practices, increase productivity and make use of weather data and advisory services. Other modules in the sessions shone a light on aspects such as minimum tillage, the cultivation of cover and mix crops, seed treatment, integrated pest management, composting farm waste and vermicomposting, and the use of biodigesters.

Celebrating the mustard harvesting season in Rajasthan

Celebrating the mustard harvesting season in Rajasthan

To mark the end of the mustard harvesting season, a Farmers’ Field Day was recently observed in the village of Bagher in Rajasthan’s Jhalawar district. It was attended by more than 350 farmers, along with representatives from the Solvent Extractors’ Association of India (SEA) and Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC). The event was held as part of the Mustard Model Farm Project that promotes sustainable agricultural practices among farmers by focussing on techniques that enhance productivity and minimise environmental impact.

Training to FPO members on user fee model for certain services

Training to FPO members on user fee model for certain services

Solidaridad’s concept of a ‘user fee’ model envisions the setting up of an enterprise model, whereby FPOs aligned with Solidaridad will provide certain services to project farmers and generate revenue in exchange for minimum service charges. Recently, Solidaridad’s cotton team provided training on this model to the farmers and Board of Directors of FPOs associated with the programme at the organisation’s State Resource and Training Centre

Workshop explores nuances of gender and decent work conditions in agricultural sector

Workshop explores nuances of gender and decent work conditions in agricultural sector

A two-day workshop on ‘Gender and Decent Work’ was recently held at Solidaridad’s State Resource and Training Centre in Kalmeshwar, Nagpur district, Maharashtra. Following the enthusiastic participation of farmers and members of FPOs, the workshop was extended by another day to Ner, Yavatmal.

Exploring the relevance of gender issues and decent work conditions in everyday life, the training sessions, led by Dr. Sangita Shete, a social development expert, addressed the stereotypes associated with gender roles, and emphasised the importance and need of ‘gender analysis’ in project design to ensure and enhance women’s participation in various programmes. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (PoSH), was also discussed in the workshop. Anukool Nagi, Assistant General Manager, Solidaridad, further spoke about the need for ‘gender mainstreaming’ to elevate women and their role in decision-making, in the agricultural sector.

Upskilling a future generation of women leaders and agri-entrepreneurs

Upskilling a future generation of women leaders and agri-entrepreneurs

To enhance the leadership skills of women farmers, a day-long workshop was held in the village of Uplai in Madhya Pradesh’s Ratlam district, by Solidaridad and the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Women were encouraged to take up and participate in agricultural and allied ventures such as vermicompost production, animal husbandry, processing of crops, among others. They were also assured of requisite training and financial assistance (through self-help groups) in case they want to set up their own small-scale enterprises. Additionally, they were guided on how to improve entrepreneurial skill sets – for instance, learning how to manufacture and process products like pickles or soy-related items such as nuts and tofu. Lastly, the women were informed about the various programmes such as the Good Farming – Good Food – Good Health and Smart Agri Project, and the different interventions that seek to support them.


The versatile tea grower

Weathering a storm

In the face of incessant climate change, weather advisories are rapidly proving to be indispensable to farmers. Shyam Kumar Patel, a progressive farmer hailing from the village of Maruee in the Pindra block of the Varanasi district in Uttar Pradesh, has experienced, first-hand, the value of these advisories. An automatic weather station (AWS) installed at his farm, under the Smart Agri Project, already allowed him and his fellow villagers to stay updated on critical parameters (such as temperature, rainfall, wind speed and humidity) and weather patterns which are especially useful during the paddy cultivation. However, it was in December 2023 that the advisories proved to be a lifesaver for Shyam. After being warned of imminent and heavy rainfall, Shyam and his fellow villagers sprung into action to shield their crops. They mobilised resources and quickly shifted the harvested paddy from their fields to a shed. This action helped Shyam protect around 100 quintals of the crop, valued at around ₹2.35 lakh. He also protected the delicate tomato plants in his nursery, by covering the nursery with waterproof sheets, and by ensuring that proper drainage channels were in place to prevent waterlogging, which would have been detrimental to the crop.



Ms. Soniriya

Ms. Soniriya, joined us on 7 February 2024, as Communication Associate. As a Communication Intern with SREC for 6 months, Soniriya has been engaging with multi-located teams, with farmers, shaping their stories, and contributing to various aspects such as events, stories, and SREC newsletters that has enriched her professional voyage at SREC. She is a graduate in Journalism from University of Delhi and possesses PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi. We wish her all the best.


Pallavi Keshri

Pallavi Keshri
Programme Officer- Bridgestone Project

Prasad Vitthal Mirajkar

Prasad Vitthal Mirajkar
Field Coordinator

Nimesh Patil

Nimesh Patil
Programme Officer-Field

Ganesh Ankush Garud

Ganesh Ankush Garud
Field Associate


Krishanu Bhargav Phukan

Krishanu Bhargav Phukan
Programme Associate- Trinitea

Aniruddha Bhimrao Bhatkar

Aniruddha Bhimrao Bhatkar
District Coordinator
Organic Cotton Programme

Dashrath Petkar

Dashrath Petkar
Senior Field Associate
Organic Cotton Programme

Sunil Thokale

Sunil Thokale
Cluster Supervisor
Organic Cotton Programme

Suraj Warbhe

Suraj Warbhe
Field Associate
Organic Cotton Programme